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The Suffolk Education Foundation (SEF) coordinates an instructional Grant Program annually.  These funds supplement regular departmental expenses and budgets. The Grant Program is designed to encourage faculty efforts to support innovation and to enhance the quality of instruction at Suffolk Public Schools.



SEF grants are awarded either directly to a specific school in Suffolk Public Schools or to the Suffolk Public Schools division as a whole, and to no other type of organization or institution. For purposes of this document, the grantee is the school/division; the agent is the school employee. The funded grant must meet both the mission of the Suffolk Education Foundation, and the priorities of Suffolk Public Schools.


Scope and Requirements

A SEF instructional grant is a commitment of funds to support an experience, a program or a project that otherwise might not be funded. There shall be no minimum award amount for instructional grants; however the maximum amount awarded from SEF will be $2,000.

Instructional Grants for 2024-25



Projects may relate to one teacher’s classroom, to the needs of a particular grade, subject or school, or to the needs of the division. Grant-funded activities will be shared with colleagues at both the school level and the division level upon completion of the program. Grant dollars will not be used to fund refreshments or personnel costs, such as stipends or salaries.


Primary consideration will be given to applications which supplement and enrich the curriculum; benefit a diverse student group; promote an innovative approach to student learning experiences; and would not normally be funded from other sources.


Grant Requirements

1. Participate in at least one site visit by SEF staff and/or board member(s).
2. Submit a satisfactory Follow-Up Summary Report upon completion of the grant program (form provided by SEF) by May 1. Positive, negative, and unexpected results should be shared. Failure to submit a follow-up report will preclude the grantee from receiving additional funding.

3. Share the results upon completion at least once within your school and once division-wide, so the program can be replicated or improved upon, extending the grant impact.


Deadlines for 2024-25 Grant Proposals

Instructional grant applications will be accepted until May 3, 2024. Grant funds will be distributed in August 2024, unless otherwise arranged. Follow-Up Summary Report (form provided by SEF) due by May 1, 2025.





The Suffolk Education Foundation reserves the right to reject any application that is not deemed complete. Applications are scored using the rubric explained within the application.  Your Principal's approval is part of the process.  In addition, the Director of Technology is also required to approve any purchase of technology for Suffolk Public Schools computers or other devices.


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